Saturday, August 9, 2003

My god it's hot. This is weather for thin attractive people who turn brown, not overweight unattractive people who turn pink (like me).

I am Darth Phil's deep rooted sense of self loathing ;-)

Anyway, in lieu of any drunken pictures from last night (not sure why there aren't any, I guess I was having too much fun) I've finally got round to posting some pictures from Glastonbury. I can't really take the credit for them since they are from Johnboy's fancy digital camera, I've got a disposable camera which has a bunch of photos, I just haven't got round to finishing it off.

I've recently discovered that Garth Ennis the author of Preacher, one of my favourite comic book series, has been writing The Punisher. So today I've been aquainting myself with this series.

In theory it should be a bit crap, as a character he's possibly the most one one-dimensional comic book heroes around, morally very suspect, he doesn't really have an arch-nemesis, and he's not really one for the wise-cracks. However Mr Ennis has come up trumps, as with Preacher he's got some great bad guys - the quadrelegic female crime boss (the way she gets that way is pretty amusing), the Russian Transexual Cyborg and the midget crime boss with a thing about chopping his friends legs off and dressing them as garden gnomes. There are also some great guest spots, DareDevil, Spiderman and Wolverine all make appearences - Spiderman's is particularly funny and Ennis goes to town with Wolverines self healing ability.

The second book has a story where Frank (that's the Punisher in case you're wondering) goes to Northern Ireland to track down some Cocaine smugglers, in the space of 20 odd pages Ennis manages to sum up the political and social situation better than any commentator I've ever heard or read.

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