Sunday, August 17, 2003

Top tips for a successful night out:

1. Girls... the madder the better.

2. Vodka and Redbull - tastes vile, but as a practical solution to the age old problem of getting extremely pissed but not falling asleep in the corner of what ever pub you are in, it cannot be beaten.

3. Cheesy 80's music,

4. Not paying for your train ticket home (bite my shiny metal ass South West Trains!).

5. Staying up until 6:00am, drinking vodka and forcing your slightly warped music tastes on unsuspecting friends.

Actually the last point is not a top tip as it tends to completely ruin your sleeping patterns.

I seem to have developed the habit of trying to calm my hangovers down with some light comic book shopping. I think it's to do with having a very short attention span when it comes to reading after a night on the sauce. And the fact that most comic books nowadays are far more intelligent than well written than any 'real' novel you may pick up. The latest purchase is called The Ultimates - its one of these team based affairs consisting of Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, The Wasp, Giant Man and Thor. Interestingly there isn't any main villain, the only action consists of why Captain America dissappeared after World War 2 and there is a bit towards the end where Bruce Banner let's the Hulk loose to provoke the rest of the team into a response.

What keeps you interested is how fucked up all these 'heroes' are; Captain America's difficulty with integrating with modern society, Giant Man and The Wasp seem like the perfect couple - except Giant Man is addicted to Prozac and The Wasp has some very questionable hygiene habits, Iron Man is a bored rich capitalist with a brain tumour, Thor is a hippy and the less said about Bruce the better. All in all it's a good read

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