Thursday, August 21, 2003

Those of a nervous disposition may wish to turn away now.


I've been in two minds about this post all week, but I think it's important.

I have a personal website, if you read it you'll get to know I'm a big music fan who likes the more difficult end of the music spectrum, I play a lot of videogames which I take far too seriously, I like my comic books with deeply troubled heroes, I'm not that inspired by my job, and without fail I'll be drunk on a Friday night. But the other stuff, my more personal thoughts don't get documented - which is a shame, if this website is going to do the job it's meant to do, certain things need to be mentioned, no matter how uncomfortable.

Let's get back on track: 19th August 2000 was a big day in my life. It was the day my Dad died, it should go without saying that I miss him terribly and that he was a big influence on me. His love of cheesy 1950's Science Fiction films is probably responsible for my Star Wars obsession, my music tastes developed by being brought up listening to everything from Roy Orbison to some early New Order, with a bit of Led Zepplin and Blondie mixed in - and the Leicester thing is his fault.

He was diagnosed six months before he died with a form of cancer called Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, it's like Leukemia but it effects the lymphatic system, it's what Joey Ramone suffered from. If your feeling generous I remember cancerbacup being pretty helpful and the Lymphoma Association have a new website called LifeSite , which seems a worthy cause to support.

OK there you go, sorry if that was a bit too much, normal service will be resumed shortly...

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