Thursday, March 31, 2005

I dragged a few chums along to see Nine Inch Nails at the Astoria tonight, not sure what everyone thought of the band though - maybe a little noisy? maybe a little too much angst? Personally I loved it: the new live version of Nine Inch Nails as a band seem much more focused than the previous incarnation. There was no need for an encore as the length of the set was bang on, Mr Reznor looked in fine fettle and special mention must be given to the new mad guitarist who managed to invent a few new rock star poses - my favourite being a handstand behind a guitar amp whilst still playing the guitar. Better descriptions of the evening can be found over here, however one thing these descriptions will miss out is the character standing next to me all night. I christened him 'Disco Dave' - dreadlocks, leather gauntlets (for want of a better word), and a glowy ball thing which he seemed to like playing with... oh dear, oh dear, oh dear

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