Tuesday, March 15, 2005

serious metal...

Old Man Gloom - Seminar III: Zozobra
Old Man Gloom are a sort of doom/sludge/whatever-you-want-to-call-it metal super group. I know of them as they have members of Isis and Converge in there ranks which was good enough for me to start listening. They seem to me to be a very intense group, not bothered by conventions, taking a an almost primeval approach to music. This album is probably as intense as they get: one song, 30 minutes long. Obviously posting the entire album would be taking the piss, so here are the edited highlights taken from the tortuga recording website:

MP3: Zozobra(clip)

Jesu - S/T
Yes I know I already own the Japanese version and yes this version is basically exactly the same. /phil mumbles something about rumours of the UK version being mastered slightly differently. Still, it now gives me a chance to share some of there music. OK, here is Friends are Evil, if you can make it through the first 1:46 of brutal pummelling guitars you'll be confronted by a wall of noise that should take your breath away if you are in the right frame of mind. From then on the song piles on the atmospherics, whispered sad vocals, an organ line floating above everthing, there's even some vocal harmonies in the middle (you would never have heard that in Mr Broadricks earlier work), and all the time layer upon layer of guitars giving the song more depth than many bands could dream of. Fantastic stuff, although I doubt anyone else I know will like it...

MP3: Friends are Evil

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