Monday, March 7, 2005

I'm toying with the idea of some sort of nervous breakdown to avoid Mondays, the question is do I go for subtle sobbing at my desk or a full on 'Michael Douglas in Falling Down'-esque frenzy of violence and destruction? That is the question...

There is a new Battlestar Galactica that you may have heard of. I can't say I've watched much of it but I'm tempted to indulge in the DVD set partly because whoever is in charge of promoting it really really knows what they are doing. The whole of the first episode is available online (legally! *gasp*), along with DVD-esque extras, they've even started to offer podcasts with episode commentaries which you can listen to whilst watching the episodes. All of this is free, none of the normal overpriced premium content (yes stand up, I'm talking about you), I'm impressed.

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