Tuesday, March 8, 2005

So, we're playing the new Doctor Who for laughs are we? A rampaging army of shop manequins controlled by a blob under the London Eye, man-eating wheelie bins and Chrishtopher Eccleston as a cheeky Northern doctor... Hmm, I know the old Doctor Who looks cheesy nowadays, but at least it was able to make me hide behind the sofa back in the day. Surely with today's modern special effects we can do a bit better than that? Not that I've downloaded a dodgy copy off t'internet - oh no!

In other 'slight disappointment news' and being the rampant consumer that I am I got a new PSP game today: Piposaru Academia, or Ape Escape Academy to give it its Western Name. Monkeys and Minigames, should be a winning combination. Well, compared to my other games (the white knuckle roller coaster ride that is Ridge Racers, and the almost zen like transcendental genius of Lumines) it falls a bit flat - not enough minigames that are a bit too harsh at time, doesn't help that being pretty much all in Japanese I haven't got a clue whats going on.

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